Potential interview
topics: bad thinking, keys to good thinking,
Islam, climate,
Communism, the EU, the UN, anti-Semitism, capitalism, political correctness, cultural relativism, populism, moral relativism, infiltration, national borders, refugee resettlement, lawfare, justice systems, tarsands, oil, natural gas, economy, G5, medicine, cancer, cannabis, healing energy, Google, Youtube, Facebook, brainwashing and unbrainwashing ... ____
The goal: to turn us all into warriors for good thinking.
Target One: bad thinking in the education system.
Target Two: bad thinking - meaning not fact-centered and/or illogical - on every topic.
Target Three: destructive anti-learning tactics like name-calling instead of fact-checking.
Tools: facts, logic, and fact-based feeling, plus personal strengths like courage and persistence. ____
Chipping Away
at Untruths
How does one prove the falsehood of a false charge? How does one disprove an untruth?
In many ways, the life John O'Sullivan is living now began with the need to do just that.
John O'Sullivan, the driving force behind Principia Scientific, never expected his life to turn out as it did. As a child and teenager, he thought he'd be an artist, and stay near home.
It hasn't been like that at all - especially since a major turning point experience as a young man.
He was faced with:
How does one disprove an untruth? In this case, how does one disprove a false allegation?
It should have been easy - the evidence was there. But the authorities withheld it.
John persevered for over a year, and succeeded.
Still the untruth, and the withholding of the evidence, ended the life he had been living.
At the same time, that experience
is the foundation for what has become John's major quest: disproving falsehoods, chipping away at untruths.
His major vehicle for doing this: Principia Scientific.
In the last 10 years, dedicated to disproving untruths, John feels that he has come into his own. He is doing what it's right for him to do.
This is such important
work, especially at this time, as we face untruths from so many sides.
Here is the interview, starting with John in his childhood, in most ways very much an ordinary boy.
John O’Sullivan of Principia Scientific.
Disproving Falsehoods, Chipping Away at Untruths.
It began with a False Allegation
and the withholding of evidence.
We've all experienced the intense frustration
of knowing something, trying to reach someone
with what we know, and hitting a brick wall.
Here are in-depth interviews with amazing inspiring truth-tellers - about cancer and climate, about Islam and tarsands, about the EU and the UN and Israel.
PLUS . . .
Elsa is an incredible person, writing the truth for us all on so many subjects - political correctness, the climate, the UN, the EU (or rather, the European Dictatorship) and also on the subject which is one of the most important at the moment - the spread of Islamisation throughout the world.
May I recommend that you watch the excellent cartoon she has created for young school children on the teachings of Islam.
And here she goes again, with yet something more! Whatever it is about, whatever she creates, I know it will be worth watching and reading - there is so little genuine Truth out there in the public media, but Elsa is a True Truth Sleuth!
Sonya Jay Porter, who for 25 years has been working with UKIP, the UK Independence Party, to get her country out of the European Union
Elsa is a missionary for truth. I have had the pleasure of knowing Elsa for many years now and have admired her steadfast campaign to expose the truth on a range of topics, but for the most part Islam. She has interviewed literally dozens of experts who have studied and had firsthand experience with Islam. All of these, and much more, can be heard on her WorldTruthSummit.com website. Elsa believes, and I agree, that only when there is open discussion and public debate about the tenets of Islam (i.e. free speech) will the world be free from the Islamic Jihad. In other words, “The truth shall set you free.” Elsa is the ”Truth Sleuth.”
Gordon Miller, long time environmental conservationist, believer in climate science history, challenger of climate models, dissenter on Canada's 1982 Constitution, believer in the dignity of the individual (i.e. the essence of Judeo-Christian values) and advocate of minimal government at the federal level.
Elsa is a spiritual healer and a brilliant writer. She is also for me a pillar of strength and a voice of reason.
And her music videos are a reminder that there is a beauty in this world too! My favorite clip is There is No More Islam.
Nicole Davidoff, passionate advocate of human rights and freedoms, passionately against any ideology that is totalitarian, like Islam and Communism, cat lover.
I came to know about Dr. Elsa Schieder ("Elsa") through her interviews with Islam experts Robert Spencer, Bill Warner, Citizen Warrior, and others. Many people were introduced to Elsa through her highly informative video for children, about Islam. Through her work, Elsa has helped clear the confusion surrounding Islam, making it possible for people to learn the truth about Islam.
Islam is just one area; Elsa has sought the truth in many areas, and has a unique talent to clarify issues and motivate people.
I am especially indebted to Elsa for making me aware of the Islamic Doctrine of Al-Wala Wal-Bara, which I now know to be the key for understanding Islam. Even after studying several books on Islam, I was not aware of the Islamic doctrine of Al-Wala Wal-Bara. This key doctrine is at the heart of Islam, and makes the other Islamic doctrines of Islam, like Jihad and Sharia, easily comprehensible.
Elsa has also taught me to not give up even when confronted by obstacles, such as the now ubiquitous censorship by the media.
Elsa is an inspiration and an example for all seekers of truth!
Ramachandra B. Abhyankar lives in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Indiana State University, in Terre Haute, Indiana USA.
When I came upon Elsa's work (like her great kid's video), I had educated myself on what Islam is, had been galvanised to protest by the horrific slaughter of children in the Manchester bombing, and was also trying to get the truth out on a lot of Facebook sites. But I felt isolated, downcast and daunted by the mountainous size of the problem. I have always been utterly anti-racist, but my friends thought I had become a bigot. I didn't know what to do.
Elsa's amazing, inspirational work has become a beacon of light to me, and her friendship has furnished me with the encouragement and support (and occasional rap over the knuckles!) which I desperately needed to become tougher, more confident, and much more active. Moreover, she has introduced me to new friends in the movement (against Sharia, and in support of British sovereignty - connected issues), from whom I am constantly learning, and with whom I can work, and protest, much more effectively. I no longer feel alone; united we stand! Thank you, Elsa, so much for all you have done to embolden me, and nurture my development. I am truly grateful!
Mary Andrew recently co-founded a local branch of the new and fast-growing For Britain political party, to work for a voice in mainstream politics. She's just been invited to write for the For Britain website. She still regularly attending protests, now along with great new friends.
I admire Elsa’s life-long commitment to activism through ever vigilant truth sleuthing, and I'm thrilled that her next series of interviews will tell untold stories of activists who've been ignored by mainstream media. I'm hopeful that Elsa’s provocative interviews will stretch personal comfort zones, reach wide audiences, and break through brick walls.
Elsa’s idea of interviewing people who do sustained truth-telling is perfectly aligned with who she is, and these interviews will be AWESOME!
Jeff Himmelberger is a left-leaning liberal from Massachusetts who fortuitously enjoys a deep and enduring friendship with Elsa. For the past fifteen years Elsa has been challenging Jeff’s assumptions and expanding his hard-wired thinking habits.
I really want to thank you, Elsa, for your deep dedication and endless hard work in trying to right the wrongs. I don’t follow all of your activities, but am very aware of the bigger picture in what you do and know that your heart works to make the world a better place. You deserve every accolade that may never come your way - just know that so many of us think this.
Elaine Black has always believed in ‘principles’: Truth is based on principle and on facts. The great English painter Francis Bacon whose work is often considered controversial for it’s painful distorted imagery, once said "people tend to be offended by facts, or what used to be called truth." These are the tenets of my belief, and to that end, I have run a ’newswire’ service for over a decade to allow others to formulate their knowledge based on exposure to truth and facts rather than lies and distortions.